Space Security
Amidst political disunity, military spending set to grow by $400 billion and NATO reaches out into space
A review of the NATO Leaders’ Meeting, London, 3-4 December 2019
By Dr. Ian Davis, NATO Watch
Key activities and decisions taken:
NATO Watch Observatory No.51
Quarterly newsletter focused on NATO policy-making and operational activities.
In this edition (June-September 2019):
NATO Watch Essay:
If the United States has become a rogue state how should NATO allies respond?
As alliance military spending exceeds $1 trillion, NATO defence ministers reach out into space, the final frontier, boldly going where no alliance has gone before……
A review of the NATO Defence Ministers meeting, Brussels, 26-27 June 2019
By Dr. Ian Davis, NATO Watch
The NATO defence ministers met in Brussels for a two-day meeting to discuss three main issues:
NATO Watch Observatory No.50
Quarterly newsletter focused on NATO policy-making and operational activities.
In this edition (January-May 2019):
NATO Watch Essay:
NATO’s new Military Strategy and Space Policy: Why are parliamentarians and the public being kept out of the loop?
NATO Watch Observatory No.48
Quarterly newsletter focused on NATO policy-making and operational activities.
In this Post-NATO Summit edition (June-August 2018), including thematic analysis of the Brussels Summit Declaration:
NATO Watch Essays:
NATO Parliamentary Assembly focuses on NATO Summit in July
A review of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Spring Session,
Warsaw, 25-28 May 2018
By Dr. Ian Davis, NATO Watch
NATO Reform Lite: An Evaluation of the Lisbon Summit (Part I)
- New Alliance blueprint oversold as a transformation – NATO 3.0 – when much of it is a slow-cooking evolution