NATO Parliamentary Assembly focuses on NATO Summit in July

A review of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly Spring Session,

Warsaw, 25-28 May 2018

By Dr. Ian Davis, NATO Watch

The Polish Parliament hosted the NATO Parliamentary Assembly's Spring Session from 25-28 May 2018, which brought together some 260 parliamentarians from the 29 NATO member countries as well as delegates from partner countries and observers to discuss current international security issues and the draft reports prepared by the Assembly’s five Committees: Civil Dimension of Security; Economics and Security; Political; Defence and Security; and Science and Technology.

In their final plenary session the parliamentarians adopted a declaration appealing for alliance leaders to show unity at the Summit in July and demonstrate that the organisation remains credible in the face of security threats headed by Russia and terrorism. The declaration also contains recommended courses of action in the five areas that are expected to dominate the NATO Summit in July: deterrence and defence, and dialogue with Russia; projecting stability in the South and combatting terrorism; NATO-EU cooperation; Modernising the alliance; and burden sharing.

The Committees presented 16 draft reports for discussion and amendment. The final reports will be adopted at the 64th Annual Parliamentary Session in November.

Read the attached pdf briefing to find out more.