NATO Watch welcomes unsolicited research on issues that are relevant to our work and individuals are warmly encouraged to submit research work for publication. The approximate word-length length for Briefing Papers is 1,200 words and for Research Reports is 3,000 words. Such submissions should be academically researched and referenced as appropriate and will be subject to peer review at NATO Watch. For further information please contact us. We reserve the right to decline submitted material and will not enter into communications about the rejection of submitted research.
Guidelines for Briefing Papers
The objective of NATO Watch Briefings is to provide the reader with short, punchy analysis that where possible focuses on policy implications. Whilst Briefing Papers should be of an academic nature, and as such objective and rigorous, we do not require extensive referencing. It would, however, be preferable if such contributions were in conformity with the following guidelines:
Length: Contributions should be between 1,200 and 2,000 words.
File Format: Contributions should be in electronic format, preferably word format. With the contributors permission NATO Watch will format the document font and size for consistency with house style, however we will not alter text without you permission.
Writing Style: The aim of Briefing Papers is for short punchy contributions. As such bullet points and smaller sentences are encouraged.
Content: NATO Watch encourages contributions dealing with a wide range of NATO-related issues. However, contributions to the Briefing Papers section should focus on a particular topic, which should be contemporary. The issue should be identified in a paragraph at the start of the Briefing Paper. The importance of this issue/ event should then be outlined in the body of the text. Finally, the consequences and implications of the presented analysis should be identified.
Guidelines for Reports
The objective of NATO Watch Research Reports is to provide the reader with detailed, expert analysis on a particular NATO-related issue. Reports should be academic in nature, and such objective, rigorous and referenced where possible. It would, however, be preferable if Report contributions were in conformity with the following guidelines:
Length: While we encourage contributors to elaborate on their ideas a word count of no less than 3,000 words and no more than 5,000 words is preferred.
File Format: Contributions should be in electronic format, preferably word format. With the contributors permission NATO Watch will format the document font and size for consistency with house style, however we will not alter text without you permission.
Writing Format: The aim of the reports is to provide detailed expert analysis. The writing should be clear and accessible.
Please note that we are strictly limited in our own ability to pay contributors at the moment, but seek to do so wherever possible. Please contact NATO Watch for further details.